About The Project


I am Federico and I am a designer. Among my interests, one of these is to explore new technologies and opportunities. While I usually do not publish or promote my experiments, I decided this time was more interesting to do it publicly.

Table of Contents

This article has been written by the author and has not been generated with AI

What is aboutdesign.ai?

Aboutdesign.ai is my experimental project. I want to play with the Artificial Intelligence generative tools like ie. ChatGPT to create any type of possible content I can and I need a motivation. Starting with text format, moving into images, video etc. My goal is to document here everything and doing so only using ai.

I shall only write prompts.

Oh! Of course, the main topic here is Design so, you must expect a lot of AI generated content about it.

Why aboutdesign.ai?

Very good question!
I know, I made it :^P

The last 3 years or so has been years of important changes, we had social changes, pandemic, war back in EU and so many other impacting events. These have been also the years of interesting technology advancements, with new economic models impacting the financial world.

On the tech scene, blockchain finally had a breakthrough reaching "mass adoption" and scaling fast as the new "future of internet". With NFTs and cryptocurrencies driving the discovery and adoption of a larger audience, guided by an always growing gaming industry. All this leading to the revamp of VR in the Metaverse evolution.

As extension, the latest days saw Apple releasing his new product Vision ProΒ with the concept of spacial computing, that brings back more consistently the Augmented Reality, with real case functional application. I personally believe that the future of metaverse lies more in the AR than the VR, but this is another topic.

Last blast is the eruption of everything AI. In the making from the past 10 years it is now production ready, which means it is changing everything and we saw it being quickly implemented in any software at any level, from Adobe Photoshop to new dedicated softwares or startups. And an increasing number of countries are planning their strategy in the sector to drive exellence and grow startups.

So what?

I needed a place to experiment and open a collaboration and conversation.

It comes with this considerations that I wanted to learn more about AI, how it impacts our daily lifes and what is capable of, but having a focused way to achieve this. I needed a place to experiment and open a collaboration and conversation.

Here it comes this project.

I do not want to be alone in this! I like collaborations and communities therefore I invite anyone who is interested to share prompts or ideas with me to get in contact. You can connect with me in Linkedin or join the Telegram group.