AI for Competitive Analysis, one quick try.

Photo by Google DeepMind on Unsplash

Every time a new project starts, being for a product or a feature, it requires some research. This same research is done in any design process, as well as in any DesignOps activities, like i.e. choosing a new tool to be integrated in the company workflow.

One of the methods used in this phase is Competitive Analysis.

In my case, I will usually surf the web, searching for the tools that seems fitting with the needs and compare them with a competitive analysis, Pros & Cons or SWOT or any other framework if any.

In order to find out if there are ways to speed up these steps, as much as they are fundamentals, I decided to quickly experiment with AI. Nothing deep just a simple prompt to verify how specific the instruction should be to get a better results.

What tools did I test? I explored this option with 3 tools: Chatsonic and ChatGTP.

Common Prompt: Please, acting as UX designer, do a competitive analysis of these tools: - - - -

⚠️ The following content has been entirely generated using the aforementioned tools. Nothing has been edited.

Table of Contents

ChatGPT reply

As an AI language model, I can provide you with an overview of these tools based on publicly available information up until my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. Please note that any updates or changes to these tools may not be reflected in my analysis. Here's a competitive analysis of the tools you mentioned:

  1. Uizard:
    Uizard is a tool that uses AI to convert hand-drawn sketches into digital designs. It offers a unique proposition by automating the design process, saving time and effort for designers. Some key features of Uizard include sketch recognition, real-time collaboration, and code generation. Uizard aims to streamline the design workflow by enabling designers to quickly iterate on their ideas and generate clean, ready-to-use code. The tool primarily targets designers and developers who want to speed up the design process and improve collaboration.
  2. Debuild:
    Debuild is a platform that focuses on collaborative design and prototyping. It offers features such as interactive design reviews, annotations, and version control to facilitate collaboration among designers, developers, and stakeholders. Debuild aims to improve the feedback loop during the design process by providing a platform for seamless communication and collaboration. The tool caters to design teams and organizations that prioritize collaboration and iteration in their design workflows.
  3. Fronty:
    Fronty is a web-based design tool that emphasizes simplicity and efficiency. It provides a drag-and-drop interface along with pre-built design components to enable users to quickly create web and mobile prototypes. Fronty aims to simplify the design process by providing a straightforward and intuitive interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of design expertise. The tool is suited for individuals and small teams looking for an easy-to-use prototyping tool without the need for extensive design skills.
  4. Galileo:
    Galileo is an AI-powered design platform that offers automated design suggestions, style guide generation, and real-time design feedback. It leverages machine learning algorithms to analyze design patterns and provide recommendations for improving user interfaces. Galileo aims to help designers make informed design decisions by providing insights and suggestions based on best practices. The tool targets designers who want to enhance their design process by incorporating AI-driven insights and recommendations.

It's important to note that conducting a comprehensive competitive analysis requires a deeper dive into each tool's features, pricing, user feedback, and market positioning. Additionally, it's advisable to visit their respective websites and explore their latest updates and offerings to gain an up-to-date understanding of the tools.


Competitive Analysis: Uizard, Debuild, Fronty, and Galileo:

  1. Uizard:
    • Key Features: Uizard offers AI-powered design and prototyping tools to transform sketches into code.
    • Target Audience: Designers, developers, and teams working on web and mobile app design and development.
    • Strengths: Uizard's AI technology allows for quick and efficient conversion of sketches into code, saving time and effort for designers and developers.
    • Weaknesses: Uizard may have a learning curve for users who are not familiar with AI-based design tools.
    • Opportunities: Uizard can further enhance its collaboration features and expand its integrations with other design and development tools.
    • hreats: Competition from other AI-based design tools and established design and prototyping tools in the market.
  2. Debuild:
    • Key Features: Debuild provides a collaborative platform for UI/UX designers and developers to streamline design handoff and development.
    • Target Audience: Designers, developers, and teams involved in the design handoff and development process.
    • Strengths: Debuild simplifies the design handoff process by providing a collaborative platform with design version control and developer-friendly features.
    • Weaknesses: Debuild's feature set may be limited compared to other design handoff tools in terms of integrations and advanced collaboration features.
    • Opportunities: Debuild can focus on expanding its integrations with popular design and development tools and adding more advanced collaboration features.
    • Threats: Competition from established design collaboration platforms and emerging design handoff tools.
  3. Frontify:
    • Key Features: Fronty offers an intuitive web design tool with built-in collaboration features and responsive design capabilities.
    • Target Audience: Web designers, agencies, and teams working on web design projects.
    • Strengths: Fronty's intuitive interface and built-in collaboration features make it easy for designers to create responsive web designs and collaborate with team members.
    • Weaknesses: Fronty's feature set may be limited compared to more comprehensive web design tools in terms of advanced interactions and code customization.
    • Opportunities: Fronty can focus on expanding its library of design components and integrations with popular web development platforms.
    • Threats: Competition from established web design tools and emerging responsive design platforms.
  4. Galileo:
    • Key Features: Galileo offers AI-powered design analytics and insights to optimize user experiences and conversions.
    • Target Audience: UX designers, product managers, and teams focused on improving user experiences and conversions.
    • Strengths: Galileo's AI-driven analytics and insights provide valuable data and recommendations to improve user experiences and drive conversions.
    • Weaknesses: Galileo's effectiveness may depend on the quality and quantity of user data available for analysis.
    • Opportunities: Galileo can explore partnerships with other design and analytics tools to offer a more comprehensive UX optimization solution.
    • Threats: Competition from established analytics and UX optimization tools, as well as data privacy concerns.

In conclusion, each of these tools brings unique features and strengths to the table. Uizard leverages AI to transform sketches into code, Debuild simplifies design handoff and collaboration, Fronty focuses on intuitive web design and collaboration, and Galileo offers AI-driven design analytics and insights. Understanding the target audience, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of these tools can help inform decision-making for UX designers and teams.


While the question I ask was really simple and a real person will be able to understand my expectations, AI did a good enough job, but really light.

In the comparison I will highlight that Chatsonic was more structured in the reply and that he provide a more interesting analysis than ChatGPT, using a SWOT format that went a bit deeper and was more insightful.

Definitively using AI for competitive analysis might be speed up the initial quick assessment before moving into deeper investigation.

 Photo by Google DeepMind on Unsplash
